The SuperMOMs 24/7 Club Newsletter | Issue# 247-109-2025 : January 2, 2025 |

Happy New Year 2025 - “SuperMOMs superpower is knowing when to rest.”

The SuperMOMs 24/7 Club Newsletter

🦸‍♀️Super MOMs Unite!🦸🏾‍♀️

*SuperMOM’s superpower is knowing when to rest.*

Welcome to the Ninth Issue of The Super MOMs 24/7 Club Newsletter!

Good Morning, SuperMOMs Everywhere 24/7!

It’s Thursday, January 2nd, 2025 and in this week’s edition of The SuperMOMs 24/7 Club Newsletter, I would like to welcome you all to the SuperMOMs 24/7 Universe!
The job of this Newsletter is to Help other moms become/realize that they are the Super MOMS they were meant to be. First time reading? Join MOMs from all over the world reading these words too. SIGN up here
Please don’t keep us a secret: Share this email with friends (copy URL here).
And, as always, send us feedback at [email protected]

Issue# 247-109-2025

🌟Here we will share 2 Super Ideas, 4 Super Quotes, and 7 Super Questions for you to ponder until you receive your next issue!🌟

In addition, there is a bonus section of a SuperMOM Bonus Short Story!

Do you want to share your story? Please send an email to [email protected] and let’s discuss how.

and a short survey to make this newsletter even better!

Please share this with other SuperMOMs because the more moms that gather the more knowledge gets shared, the stronger our community becomes, and the faster we achieve our mission to help each other and the other Moms.

Become a member for FREE of The Super MOMs 24/7 Club on Skool!

And now, here are 2 Super Ideas, 4 Super Quotes, and 7 Super Questions to ponder this week…

2 🌟 Super Ideas of the Week

  1. ✨ Meal Prep Magic: Spend Sunday evening prepping ingredients for the week. Chop veggies, marinate proteins, and portion out snacks. This simple routine saves time and makes mid-week cooking stress-free.

  2. 🌟 Self-Care Jar: Write down small, 10-minute self-care activities (like a quick walk, skincare routine, or journaling) on slips of paper. When you’re overwhelmed, pick one randomly for a quick recharge.

4 đŸ’Ź SuperMom Quotes

  • “You are not just managing a household; you are creating a home.”

  • “Supermom’s superpower is knowing when to rest.”

  • “Messy floors, happy hearts – the hallmark of motherhood.”

  • “You are your children’s safe space, and that’s a superpower.”

❓ Super Thought-Provoking Questions

  1. ❓ What’s your go-to breakfast hack for busy mornings?

  2. 🛋️ How do you unwind after a long day with the kids?

  3. 😂 What’s the funniest thing your child has said this week?

  4. 💕 How do you teach your kids about kindness?

  5. 🧹 What’s a household chore you secretly enjoy?

  6. 🎉 What’s your favorite way to celebrate small wins?

  7. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 How do you involve your kids in daily routines?

SuperMOMs Simple Survey

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See all this worry about NOT getting pregnant because of MS was for nought, or was it? (Continued from issue 7)

Four months into this pregnancy, I faced 4 stressful issues, challenging this decision to start a family. For those keeping track the 4 issues so far have been…

First, I had morning sickness which was stressful.

Second, there was all the talk of the world ending due to Y2K.

Third, I was bleeding vaginally.

Fourth, that was on my mind the most and always made me feel that motherhood was never an option. I had these 2 innocent little letters following me around since I was 16 years old and became temporarily paraplegic. Oh, and when I was 17, I was temporarily deaf. And did I mention that when I was 21, I went blind?

Now I am 27 and haven’t had any “issues” since that blindness and fully recovered from the “issues” so I felt confident that the doctors didn’t know what they were talking about until I started suffering from vertigo.

For those who don’t know what vertigo is, like I didn’t until I experienced it, vertigo is a constant sense of being dizzy with no end. I was told that what I was experiencing was an imbalance in my brain. So basically, like all these issues before, it’s all in my head!

Let’s step back a few months, pre-pregnancy, my husband and I got married at 25 but had been together since we were both 20. After we both graduated from college, we decided to cohabitate to save money on rent and then buy a townhouse together while we raised 2 beagles and both worked separate jobs a major commute from our residence. When I started questioning our birth control methods, ie me taking birth control, because I wasn’t “feeling right”. That’s when the feeling of dizziness started, and I decided to find a new neurologist. I hadn’t seen a neurologist since I recovered from the blindness. I hadn’t had an MRI of my brain for at least 5 years. I found a new doctor and he didn’t believe I had MS either, but he wanted to be sure and ordered that I have an MRI done.

MRIs have advanced so much since the last one I had. The last one I had I couldn’t take any credit cards within so many feet of the building never mind into the building. But this MRI was actually on wheels and was pulled up to a hospital wing. I could leave my purse with my credit cards in the dressing room without worry.

Even though I was feeling dizzy, I was able to drive myself to the MRI because it was close to my home. I was put into the MRI tube feeling all sorts of dizzy. I lay perfectly still for at least the 3.5 hours it took to get the images the doctor had asked for. I believe I fell asleep for a time despite the banging of the magnets as the images were being taken.

That’s when it happened, the MRI tech said good job Jenny you’re all done. I opened my eyes, sat up after being removed from the MRI bed, and exclaimed, “I am NOT DIZZY!”

I call it the miracle of magnets. When I went back to hear about the results from the MRI images, the doctor had no idea what had taken place to remove the dizziness. The neurologist said my images show signs of MS but not enough to confirm it. BUT there were these new drugs on the market that I could try.

My response was, “I am not dizzy anymore, and I haven’t had any issues in over five years, plus I am newly married.”

The doctor asked if we were trying to get pregnant. I responded that we were NOT but if it happened it would be ok.

Famous last words…

Let’s see, where was I?

Oh yeah, 3 stressful issues after seeing those 2 lines on that pregnancy test. 4 months into the pregnancy, now free to start telling others about our news.

5 months pregnant, my belly was growing, the baby started moving, and hubby could feel the baby move now.

6 months pregnant, and morning sickness was subsiding, but numbness started happening in my feet. This felt similar to when I became paraplegic, or was it?

Back to that in the next newsletter…


Struggling to find time for your family? Seeking a better work-life balance? In need of basic office skills that you don't have time to learn? Let a VIRTUAL ASSISTANT take care of the rest! Please email us at [email protected]

 Stay inspired, Super Moms!

Remember, you’re doing an amazing job,

one day at a time. đŸ’ŞđŸ’–